Kinesis Data Analytics record ordering


if I push IoT Core data to Kinesis Analytics as stream, how possible is to apply order by query to streaming data because you don't have complete data to call "order by" ? My goal is pushing IoT Core data and push them to Analytics in order to put them in sequence and push to AppSync to broadcast to subscribers. This Way I can visualize the data flow in time series and sequential in real time. Thanks

preguntada hace 2 años267 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

AWS IoT does not guarantee the order of received messages :

The message broker doesn't guarantee the order in which messages and ACK are received.

Therefore, to use the order by clause in Amazon Kinesis Analytics, you need to have an attribute in the MQTT payload that you can order on. Ideally it's your device that adds it e.g a sequence number or timestamp.

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 2 años

Definitely I will have attribute for order by, but my point if you don't have all of the record order by will miss some of them, unless you wait all messages received and run order by

respondido hace 2 años

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