GuarDutyToACL template does not work for another regions except N.Virginia



Faced with the issue during the install of solution according to this instruction. I thought that it was only my mistake untill i have faced with many comments under this article that for the rest of the people it does not work as well. Here is the error message from Cloudformation: I also have tested it in us-east-1. Works fine, but in eu-west-2 does not work at all dispite the same steps and procedure. Please help to make it work. Thanks.

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There was an update on April 2023 to the original blogpost.

For other regions, you need to copy some files to S3 bucket you create and specify on parameters (ArtifactsBucket and ArtifactsPrefix), look for this note on the blogpost:

Note: The stack will launch in the N. Virginia (us-east-1) region. It takes approximately 15 minutes for the CloudFormation stack to complete. To deploy this solution into other AWS regions, first upload the solution’s Lambda deployment packages (zip files with code) to an S3 bucket in the selected region. Once you have uploaded the zip files in the target region, update the CloudFormation ArtifactsBucket and ArticaftsPrefix parameters referenced in step 3 below.

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