AWS SES. DKIM in email has wrong domain.


After all verification (easy DKIM option) I try send email. Via console it is work perfrect - DKIM record in test email has correct domain - my own. But when I try to do via API - it is contains "" (I see email in GMAIL via Show Original)

await _emailClient.SendEmailAsync(new()
				FromEmailAddress = "",
				Destination = new() { ToAddresses = new() { CreateAddress(email.ToAddress, email.ToAlias) } },
				Content = new()
					Simple = new()
						Subject = new() { Data = email.Name },
						Body = new()
							Text = CreateContent(email.Text)
			}, cancellationToken);

Should I use some extra property or missed some magic method in API?

preguntada hace un año253 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

Cancelling my question. The reason was in different regions.

respondido hace un año

This can also occur if you have the email address verified and have DKIM signing disabled for the email address identity. The more-specific email address identity takes precedence over the domain identity.

respondido hace un año

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