AWS SSO and Iam Identity Centre


Good Morning all, Need some knowledge from those who know. We currently have AWS SSO set up and user Azure AD as external identity source and it's working fine. With IAM Identity centre being the new SSO do we need to set up SAML etc on the Azure Enterprise App AWS IAM Identity Centre? If I want to change the external identity do I have to do the same?

Thank you, Decay

preguntada hace 6 meses255 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
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Hi Decay,

AWS SSO was rebranded AWS Identity Center, but it's the same service with a different name, so if you have AWS SSO previously configured and it's working great for you, you don't need to change anything!

Hope this helps!

respondido hace 6 meses
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revisado hace 14 días
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revisado hace 6 meses
  • Thank you for that. Saves me a bit of work!

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