aws cloud institute Grant


Could I apply for the January grant enrollment even if I am already enrolled in AWS cloud institute.

preguntada hace 5 meses807 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

As per the FAQ available here:

Can learners who are already enrolled in AWS Cloud Institute apply for a grant? Yes, learners who are already enrolled in AWS Cloud Institute may apply for a grant. Learners who began courses on January 8 will be asked to notetheir enrollment in the grant application for tracking purposes.

Can learners who previously applied for a grant apply again? Yes, learners who previously applied for and did not receive a full grant may apply for a partial grant in this application cycle. Learners who previously received a partial grant may apply for an additional partial grant. You may use the same International Scholarship and Tuition Services account to apply again.

David C
respondido hace 5 meses

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