Can I use AWS SDK for JS V3 for RDS access without using the AWS Secrets service.


I'm trying to port a web site to a serverless implementation, and wanted to use the AWS SKD for JS to connect to all AWS services from a JS Node project, using the Free Tier services where possible to reduce development costs.

I configured the SDK credential as per these instructions:

But the JS example for RDS access requires the use of an AWS Secret, which is a paid for service.

Is there a different AWS SDK JS API that does not require use of the AWS Secret service?

Many thanks

  • Sean
1 Respuesta
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Using the Data API in Aurora Serverless v1 requires the use of credentials registered in AWS Secrets Manager, so the use of Secrets Manager is essential.

Users don't need to pass credentials with calls to the Data API, because the Data API uses database credentials stored in AWS Secrets Manager. To store credentials in Secrets Manager, users must be granted the appropriate permissions to use Secrets Manager, and also the Data API. For more information about authorizing users, see Authorizing access to the Data API.

If the Data API is not used, the connection must be made from JavaScript using the mysql module, etc. as before.

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