How to clone a Bitbucket repo from a Springboot microservice running on AWS EKS?


I have a springboot microservice which runs on AWS EKS.

  • I am generating a .tfvars (Terraform runtime parameters) file inside this microservice
  • I would like to checkin this file on Bitbucket

I have a couple of queries here:

  • If I create a .tfvars file (or any file), where would that file be saved by Springboot?
    1. Will the file be stored in the file system of the container? 2. Or is it mandatory to use an EFS to store this file?
  • Would I be able to clone a Bitbucket repository to checkin my .tfvars file? 1. Will the clone be stored in the file system of the container? 2. Or is it mandatory to use an EFS to store cloned repos?
preguntada hace 2 años87 visualizaciones
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