Hi, I am new to AWS IoT and working through the SDK tutorials. Using RPi3B and python. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/sdk-tutorials.html - I am @ "publish JSON documents in the message payload". I created pubsub3.py & changed the line of code: ...message = "{}".format(message_string). Tutorial says to 'change this line of code' to... message = "{}".format(args.message) BUT my pubsub.py has .format(message_string) var instead.
The MQTT Test client is displaying as string literal and not interpreting/formatting correctly in json format.
I have tried all sorts of combinations of quotes and breaks and brackets (" \ ' { ] ). From what I see it should be sending the payload as a json string...
Command line:
pi3@raspberrypi:~ $ python3 aws-iot-device-sdk-python-v2/samples/pubsub3.py --message '{"temperature":40}' --count 1 --topic pi3/battery1/data --endpoint...
message = "{}".format(message_string)
print("Publishing message to topic '{}': {}".format(message_topic, message))
message_json = json.dumps(message)
Sending 1 message(s)
Publishing message to topic 'pi3/battery1/data': {"temperature":40}
Received message from topic 'pi3/battery1/data': b'"{\"temperature\":40}"'
MQTT Test Client:
pi3/battery1/data December 01, 2022, 11:59:52 (UTC-0500)
"{temperature: 40}"
If someone could offer me some assistance I would be very grateful!
That was the fix needed...Thanks so much!