upgrade eks from 1.30 to 1.31


via terraform or via aws eks console I get the same issue:

Cluster has incorrect Identity Provider URL configuration. The Identity Provider URL cannot be the same as the OpenID Connect (OIDC) issuer URL. Please fix the Identity Provider configuration before updating the cluster.

the cluster now is running over 1.30, fully functional.

1 Respuesta

Try the following troubleshooting steps

  1. Check OIDC Provider Configuration
  2. Review IAM OIDC Provider
  3. Ensure the Identity Provider URL is distinct from the OIDC issuer URL
  4. Update OIDC Provider if necessary
  5. Check for Duplicate Configurations
  6. Terraform Configuration Review - review your EKS cluster configuration. Ensure that the oidc_identity_providers block in your Terraform code is correctly set up and doesn't conflict with the existing OIDC issuer URL3

Another thing to try is updating the cluster using the AWS CLI as this might provide more detailed error messages if the issue persists. Please take all the usual precautions such as having an authorised change, backups , monitoring and testing

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, it may be necessary to contact AWS Support for further assistance. They can provide specific guidance based on your account and cluster configuration.

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