Only Samsung devices available


Hello everyone. I have an issue with device farm, that from all devices on device pool only 5 Samsung devices are available and that all, this is IAM user of company account.

However on my personal root account I have all the devices available for the same app and test environment.

preguntada hace un año225 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

There could be a few reasons why you are not seeing all the devices on your IAM user account in Device Farm.

Device Pool Configuration: Ensure that the device pool in your company account is configured correctly and includes all the devices you want to test on. You can create a new device pool and add the missing Samsung devices to it.

Region: Check if the region of the device pool in your company account is the same as the region of the missing Samsung devices. If they are in different regions, you may not be able to access those devices.

IAM Permissions: Make sure that your IAM user account has the necessary permissions to access all the Samsung devices. Check the IAM policies attached to your IAM user account to verify that you have the appropriate permissions.

Availability: Verify that the missing Samsung devices are available and not currently in use by another user or in maintenance mode.

If none of the above solutions work, you can contact AWS support for further assistance.

respondido hace un año

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