Service Catalog - Stack set constraint - adding accounts


I have a Product with a Stack set constraint.
I initially had one account set on that
I provisioned this product and this resulted in a stackset deployment to the remote account - worked fine

What I then want to do is UPDATE that provisioned product with ADDITIONAL accounts via Stacksets
So I added a new Account to the original Stack set constraint for that product (So now 2 accounts in the list)

However when I UPDATE the provisioned product it failed, it seemed on the second stack deploy to the additional account.

So - is it possible to UPDATE a stackset based product in this way? If not, how to change the list of accounts on a constraint (or wherever) or how to configure a product(s) to be able to do that?

Many thanks for any assistance

Edited by: jomu on Apr 29, 2021 1:06 AM

preguntada hace 3 años429 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

This isn't currently available through the Console, but the Service Catalog update-provisioned-products CLI has an option in the provisioning-preferences called StackSetOperationType, which allows you to instruct the system whether you are updating the ProvisionedProduct ("UPDATE") or creating/deleting StackInstances ("CREATE" and "DELETE" respectively). After adding the new regions/accounts to the Stack Set Constraint, you can use update-provisioned-product with the create option, and the system will create new stacks in the regions/accounts you provide. You can find more details at

For example:
aws servicecatalog update-provisioned-product --provisioned-product-id pp-xxxxxxxxxxxxx --product-id prod-xxxxxxxxxxxxx --provisioning-artifact-id pa-xxxxxxxxxxxxx --provisioning-preferences StackSetAccounts=123456789012,098765432109,StackSetRegions=us-west-2,us-east-2,StackSetOperationType=CREATE

respondido hace 3 años

OK thanks

respondido hace 3 años

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