SSO user MFA using Windows Hello fingerprint


My users can set their own MFA. One of them wants to use their fingerprint reader attached to their laptop. The options show Windows Hello as an authectication option.

The user gets a wonderfully specific error "It's not you, it's us".

  • Identity Source: AWS SSO
  • All authentication options enabled
  • Users can add their own MFA
preguntada hace un año673 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
profile pictureAWS
respondido hace un año
  • To add to the question on MacOS. The News Blog linked states that it supports all modern web browsers and built-in hardware. However, it is not working on latest MacOS Ventura 13.3.1 and Safari 16.4. I cannot register a MFA with TouchID.

    However, on the same device but with Microsoft Edge it works like a charm.

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