Agent availability randomly goes Offline


We are using Connect integrated with ServiceNow.

Some of our agents' status randomly goes from Available to Offline. I can't find any errors in logs or troubleshooting, other than a log of what I think is the status change. But no preceding error or warning.

    "component": "ccp",  
    "level": "LOG",  
    "text": " session is idle from long time. closing the peer connection for client 1637681969608-pimctbymzmj",  
    "time": "2021-11-23T19:37:58.795Z",  
    "exception": null,  
    "objects": \[],  
    "line": 1515,  
    "agentResourceId": "0d0xxxe-09be7fdee8da",  
    "loggerId": "163768196xxx8x3iy6ru8o"  
    "component": "ccp",  
    "level": "LOG",  
    "text": " refreshing peer connection for client xxx08-pimctbymzmj",  
    "time": "2021-11-23T19:37:58.803Z",  
    "exception": null,  
    "objects": \[],  
    "line": 1516,  
    "agentResourceId": "0d020e5xxxxxxxxbe7fdee8da",  
    "loggerId": "16376819xxx8x3iy6ru8o"  

What I don't know is if this is a Amazon issue or ServiceNow issue, a browser or network connectivity issue.

Has anyone also experienced this issue with randomly going to Offline (with or without an integration)?

preguntada hace 3 años771 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

Yes it turns out that the issue is with ServiceNow.

The Advanced Work Assignment feature in ServiceNow was setting agent availability to Offline based on inactivity in chat queues.
Its a known issue in SN (well, known to support). So I have a workaround for it.

respondido hace 3 años
  • Hi PaulC-MH, we are experiencing the same issue as you described. Can you share the workaround suggested to you by ServiceNow please?


Have you run the AWS Connectivity tool to see of the response times and any latency?

respondido hace 3 años

Have you ran stock CCP and see if the issue happens without SNOW being involved?


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respondido hace 3 años

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