Instance Status Checks always failed.



I'm imported vmdk into AWS snapshot and then prepared an image.
when I'm trying to lunch I got an Instance Status Checks error without any error message, I don't have access via ssh or via session manager to console.
I think that I have a network issue but I don't know where to start.

Please assist

preguntada hace 4 años288 visualizaciones
4 Respuestas

Hi dandanaws,

Thank you for posting your question here :)

As the first method of solving your problem I would retrack the steps you took in order to import the Virtual Machine Disk (vmdk) onto AWS though as a suggestion I would begin by restarting the import by following the steps in the AWS document that I have linked below.

If you are still facing the same issue I have listed links below that will help you understand how status checks work as well as troubleshoot and solve the “Status Check Failed” error which you are faced with when the snapshot has been launched.

I trust the information provided above will assist in resolving your query, however if you face issues please feel free to contact me.

respondido hace 4 años

Hi, thank you very much for your answer.
It's working with t2 or c4 instances type, but the problem still exists with t3.
Do you have any idea ?
I run Nitro scripts and the result is that all drivers installed and ready
root@telco-systems-ucpe-manager:~# ./

OK NVMe Module is installed and available on your instance

OK ENA Module with version is installed and available on your instance

OK fstab file looks fine and does not contain any device names.

Edited by: dandanaws on Nov 17, 2020 4:55 AM

respondido hace 4 años

Hi dandanaws,
Thank you for responding 

It seems that everything is fine it terms of the OS compatibility (NVMe, ENA modules and fstab)

I suspect that the ENA attibute has not yet been set on the Instance, or AMI itself. As a method of diagnosing the problem can you please follow the steps below:

Can you test the ENA attibute using CLI commands I have listed below:

aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids instance_id --query "Reservations[].Instances[].EnaSupport"
aws ec2 describe-images --image-id ami_id --query "Images[].EnaSupport"

If the attribute is set, the response on the CLI commands will be "True". If it's blank, or anything other that "True", please set it using the following CLI commands:

aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute --instance-id instance_id --ena-support
aws ec2 register-image --ena-support ...

As guidance I have provided you with a link to an AWS document that will guide you with the process.

If you're not familiar with the CLI, here's how you can set it up:

Please check if the troubleshooting steps suggested in the above link help resolve the issue. However, if the issue persists, please feel free to refer with the steps you took in order to solve it and we can take it from there. I trust the information provided above will assist in resolving your query.

respondido hace 4 años

Thank you very very much for help and support
this is the resulttion :
sudo sed -i '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX/s/"$/\ net.ifnames=0"/' /etc/default/grub

respondido hace 4 años

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