A website style bug


Hello, I'd like to report an issue with the AWS Marketplace webpage. There's a bug related to the website's appearance. The page URL is https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-6dvshjlbds7b6 I intended to provide feedback through official channels, but it requires filling out a lot of form information,so I decided not to go through that process. The style bug I'm referring to presents itself as follows (as shown in the screenshot): when the text exceeds two lines, it cuts off a portion of the second line.This issue seems to be caused by your frontend engineers setting a maximum height, which might lead to the truncation of the second line of text on certain screen resolutions. Enter image description here

preguntada hace 10 meses235 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hello zsq@ thank you for bringing this to our attention I have forwarded it to our AWS Marketplace Engineering for review.

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respondido hace 10 meses

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