How to enable access to a set of users to linux EC2 instance


I have a Linux EC2 instance running in an AWS account. I have this requirement Build an IAM group that enables ABC Organization's users to login into the EC2 instance, which contains following users : a_user, b_user, c_user, d_user, e_user, f_user

Also make the following users sudoers on the instance a_user (sudo) b_user (sudo)

Which approach is best, Since I am blank on how to approach this. Any ideas?

Everone has their own home directory and we don't want it to handle it manually by configuring SSH access for every user.

preguntada hace 2 años326 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Create a group in IAM and give it a name, give the group permissions relating to EC2 and the level you require, then add the users to the group. Don't worry about making the users sudo. You can just type that in when you get to the command line. Example: sudo yum update -y

respondido hace 2 años

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