How to create weekly date ranges based on custom date range selection?


I have created a date range filter (in calendar format), based on Start and End dates. The intended output should be, as I click a range of dates from the filter, I would like to be able to break the range of days into disparate weeks.

For example, if I chose Feb 4th to Mar 3rd, it should show me 4 weekly lines of data (4th to 10th, 11th to 16th, 17th to 23rd, 24th to 3rd). However, for now, when I select this range of dates, I get pre-populated outputs in my Pivot table.

My output Pivot table uses a date column (set to Week setting).

Does anyone know how this can be implemented ? Do I need to use some calculated fields intead ? For example dividing any number of dates selected on the calendar with 7 days ?

preguntada hace 2 años143 visualizaciones
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