Does Quicksight have a playground area where i can test embedding like Microstrategy does?


Does Quicksight have a playground area where i can test embedding like Microstrategy does? The playground on Microstrategy allowed us to test the loading of dashboards without having a website.

preguntada hace un año302 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

QuickSight also has a function for embedding in web pages.

The following document describes the use of the "1-click enterprise embedding" method, which requires less customization.

There may be no such thing as a playground as a feature of Quicksight.
You may need to create your own simple HTML, etc. to check it out.

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respondido hace un año

Yeah the 'playground' is sort of what we were looking for since we don't have the ability to create our own webpage.

respondido hace un año

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