OpenSearch Serverlles Collections - AccessDenied


Hi All,

I have created a new Open Search Collections and trying to access the dashboard, i am getting the access denied message in my Chorme. Please check and advise.

Collection ARN: arn:aws:aoss:ap-southeast-1:<account_id>:collection/diz61r3safzf6f7cou4c

OpenSearch endpoint:

OpenSearch Dashboards URL:

Access type: Public

*Error: * {"status":403,"request-id":"63ab91b9-9b6f-9285-ad22-71a2f4f4118b","error":{"reason":"Cross Account access is not allowed. AWS is trying to access collection from <account_id> account.","type":"AccessDenied"}}

preguntada hace un año299 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
Respuesta aceptada

Cross-account access to collections isn't supported. You can't include collections from other accounts in your encryption or data access policies. You might be logged in with a different account in the console.

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace un año
  • I am having the same problem. I am logged in as a root user. I used this root user to create the principal IAM user. Is that called cross-account? If so, what should be done instead? I also tried skipping the data access configuration altogether, but encountered the same error.

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