AWS Translate sometimes gets an error TCP timeout on Lambda function


I am using translate service. I am running translateTex function about 20 texts (each text are not very large they about 40 characters) on 47 languages on foreach, it is sometimes working fine but sometimes getting an error TCP timeout. this code is running on NodeJs on lambda function, the time is set up to 10 minutes on lambda function. Anyone can help me please?

preguntada hace 2 años272 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


The issue wouldn't be clear without seeing your Lambda function code. In cases of network connection issues like the one you are facing, the best practice is to prepare for occurrence beforehand by making sure that your Lambda function is idempotent. Here's a link to a guide on making Lambda functions idempotent:

respondido hace 2 años
revisado hace 2 años

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