Indentation Error


I am trying to do a Cloud Quest project for the role of solutions architect the project name being "Cloud Infrastructure with Generative AI". I am facing an indentation error which I am not able to understand. I have attached a screenshot of it as well for your reference. Kindly help Enter image description here

preguntada hace 4 meses121 visualizaciones
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Hi Mayank,

Python uses spacing at the start of the line to determine when code blocks start and end. Errors you can get are:

Unexpected indent. This line of code has more spaces at the start than the one before, but the one before is not the start of a subblock (e.g., the if, while, and for statements). All lines of code in a block must start with exactly the same string of whitespace. For instance:

def a():
...   print "foo"
...     print "bar"
IndentationError: unexpected indent

It looks like the code on line 80 has an unexpected indent compared to the line(s) above it. I suggest that you review the indentation of the lines above it. Alternatively, you can share a screenshot with more context.

Thanks, Ben

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