on-premise installation Vivado can't find aws::make_ipi


I am setting up on-prim development tools for AWS FPGA development. I installed Centos7.6 and downloaded the AWS HDK Kit. Followed all the steps of sourcing the hdk_setup.sh and setting up CL_DIR variable. However Vivado is not able to find aws::make_ipi. I get the following error.

invalid command name "aws::make_ipi"

My first thought was that it might have to do something with some of the Vivado features I skipped installing (like SDK). So I reinstalled Vivado System version with all the features and tried again. Still same thing.
I have done this many times on AWS FPGA Developer AMI, but doing on premise for the first time.
Also, the AWS HDK Kit has been updated since I last successfully compiled.

Is there any pre-requisite or setting I am missing? or is it something chanaged with the new verseion of AWS HDK Kit.


preguntada hace 5 años240 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

Hi fpgamagic,

Just to confirm, you went through these steps here correct? https://github.com/aws/aws-fpga/blob/master/hdk/docs/IPI_GUI_Vivado_Setup.md#linux-install

This step enables the aws specific commands in the flow.


respondido hace 5 años

I found that I was missing the step to add the hlx_setup.tcl entry to Vivado_init.tcl. After completing this step, it works.

respondido hace 5 años

Thanks for confirming! Please feel free to reach out to us for any other questions/issues that you may have!


respondido hace 5 años

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