Add to possible Top Level Domains please


Hi Amazon Support,

Please can you add in .UK.COM into the list of available domains to transfer? I have a number of websites that I would like to transfer across to Route 53.

preguntada hace 2 años228 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
Respuesta aceptada

Hi David,

There is already a request to have "" top level domain available within Route 53. There is no ETA as AWS does not publicize roadmap items, but you can check in periodically to see if this domain extension is available by reviewing these AWS documentation pages:

Domains that you can register with Amazon Route 53

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That said, one way to use R53 (for better integration with AWS services, for example) without actually transfering the domain, is to update the name servers in your current registrar with R53 name servers. You can refer to the process here.

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