502 bad gateway


Hello everyone. Since one day ago i have an 502 error on my domain. Even I am doing ping to my public IP and it responds request timed out every time. What can I do to solve that. I'm new on AWS please help. Thanks.

  • Can you please provide more info like which service and where you are getting this error?

preguntada hace un año582 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

Hello, to help we need more information. What resource or service is aws trying to access? ex: ec2, apiGateway, elb...

This certainly has something to do with the VPC and AZ configuration, some resource that needs to be accessed is not being reached.

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respondido hace un año

Hey, if its ALB then check your EC2 instances are all responding and your ALB is setup with right approval to access downstream instances. If its Cloudfront then its likely that its not able to connect origin s3 or whatever you have configured. It would be nice to know your app architecture here. Cheers!

respondido hace un año

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