SCP upload speed is extremely slow


I'm new to AWS. I started AWS in January. I start using lightsail, set up ssh key to local computer and uploaded files via scp for migrating website to lightsail. It was too slow, the upload speed is around 5-10 files per second. FYI my browser's network speed is 150Mbps for upload, 300Mbps for download, and for Ping, 10ms and 60ms respectively.

preguntada hace 4 meses211 visualizaciones
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SCP upload speeds to AWS Lightsail can be slow due to the inherent overhead of the SSH protocol used by SCP, especially when transferring a large number of small files. Incorporating Amazon S3 into your migration process offers a significant speed advantage. By first uploading your website's files to an S3 bucket, you benefit from S3's optimized data transfer capabilities. After securely storing your files in S3, you can efficiently transfer them to your Lightsail instance, bypassing the slower SCP speeds. This approach not only leverages AWS's robust infrastructure for faster uploads but also simplifies the migration process. Further optimizing the transfer process through alternative methods like rsync, compressing files, and adjusting SCP's settings can additionally mitigate these issues.

Uploud files to an Amazon Lightsails bucket using AWS CLI

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