AWSCLI installation location help


How can I locate the AWSCLI that's already installed on a MacBook?


preguntada hace un año254 visualizaciones
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Just type following command, which would show you where it's installed.

which aws

Most of the cases, it'd be either at /usr/local/ or /usr/local/bin.

For more details refer AWS CLI Installation Guide

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  • Thanks, that also got me to the AWS file, but as my prior comment indicates, it's not the CLI.

  • Did you try searching it in unix way as below:

    find ./ -type d -name aws-cli

    This should give you the location. If you have locate database, then you can run

     locate aws-cli

    On my mac, I'm able to find this way as well. Let me know if it doesn't work for you.



whereis -b aws

Usually it’s in /usr/local/aws

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respondido hace un año
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revisado hace un año
  • That leads me to an AWS file, but it's not the CLI. It doesn't look like I'm able to add a screenshot here, but the text at the end is: "Deleting expired sessions..none found. [Process completed]"

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