In LightSail Domain & DNS, cannot edit nameserver: Want to continue to use external registrar


Hi folks, New to LightSail. i am trying to setup my instance so that I can leverage an existing domain managed on I cant for the life of me figure out how to edit the nameserver so that i can continue to keep management via, rather than migrate it to Lightsail.

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preguntada hace 6 meses206 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


The screenshot in your post is the DNS zone for a domain which provides NameServers who would act as information providers for queries on your domain-name. Hence these are the server names provided by AWS and can not be edited. But you shouldn't need to ever edit these - let me explain further below :)

If you want to continue to have your domain registered with and not transfer it to AWS Route53 Domains - that works absolutely fine with using Lightsail resources.

The next choice to make, is where would you like to have your DNS management - does also provide DNS records management for you and would you like to use that OR do you want to use Lightsail's free DNS management.

If you want to use Lightsail's DNS zone for DNS management, then you would update the NameServers at your registrar side (i.e. at with the NameServers listed above in your Lightsail DNS zone. After that you would add any DNS records like an A record for an instance's Static IP or MX records for mail setup, etc to this Lightsail DNS zone and they would take effect once your registrar updates the NameServers ( which sometimes takes time depending on the TLD and registrar ). At this point you would have your domain name registered with but your DNS managed in Lightsail.

If instead, provides DNS management as well and you want to continue using that, then you don't need the Lightsail DNS zone at all. You would just add the A records, MX records, etc pointing to Lightsail instance IPs or endpoint names/etc to the DNS management in

Hope this helps.

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respondido hace 6 meses
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revisado hace 3 meses
  • Thanks for that. So in short your last paragraph is what I want. Hover does provide and I do want DNS management there, so hence what is the actual A records etc that I will need to put in Thx

  • If your domain name is and you have a Lightsail instance with Static IP, then you would add an A record such as :

    name :
    target/resolves-to :
    type : A

    You can refer the Step # 3 section from this Lightsail doc for types of records and their values.

    I have never used, but they seem to have docs to guide you too, such as potentially : .

    So the record to match their terminology would, I believe, be like :

    Type : A
    Host : @
    Value :

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