My Ec2 instance is not working


I have attached two elastic ip to one instance and it gives me an error and i am unable to connect the instance

  • can you post the error message you receive?

preguntada hace un año252 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

Hi! Could you please give us more details? Like what's the error dropped by the instances, what EC2 instance types are you using, and things like that.

respondido hace un año

This is the error denoting Failed to connect to your instance EC2 Instance Connect is unable to connect to your instance. Ensure your instance network settings are configured correctly for EC2 Instance Connect. For more information, see Set up EC2 Instance Connect at

Currently i am using the Ubuntu 20.04 as my AMI.

respondido hace un año

have you checked on the below troubleshooting documentation:

respondido hace un año

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