Looking for 50% or 100% AWS discount Voucher


From where i can get aws discount voucher ? I won't be able to collect etc. points because my college has given me deadline and i can't afford to buy without discount . For aws cloud practitioner foundation . If anyone can help me to get voucher it will be very helpful .

  • Do you still need the 50% Discount Voucher...

    Well, if you complete an eligible Badge Course on AWS Educate (awseducate.com), you will receive an Invitation to the Emerging Talent Community, and from there, you might get a reward for 50% off (sometimes 100% off) on the Cloud Practitioner Exam.

    You might need to complete some challenges though, which might take you 4 to 6 weeks to earn your Discount Voucher.

    Hope this answer helps.

preguntada hace 6 meses1393 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas


We couldn't find a 50% discount, but we did find a 25% discount.

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respondido hace 6 meses

The Cloud Practitioner Challenge is running until December 31st 2023 and offers 25% off the exam cost: Join the challenge and get a 25% discount on your AWS Certification exam, curated exam prep content, and more!


respondido hace 6 meses

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