Savings Plan on account with no EC2 running


We have a savings plan for an EC2 instance family and region, we would like to know what would happen if we stopped having EC2 instances running for some time. That is, leaving the account unused.

The savings plan was not contracted with an upfront payment for 1 year.


preguntada hace 3 meses160 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

Yes to answer your question, yes if you are committed to pay $3/Hour, which is actually the discounted price over On-Demand prices, then to leverage the most out of it you need to some compute instances. Even if you don't run you need to pay to AWS based on your commitment.

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respondido hace 3 meses
  • Thank you. In this case, my discounted price is $3/hour.

    This is $3x730hrs to get the monthly bill (around $2.1k), right? I ask because the person who contracted this plan is no longer with us and leaves no documentation at all about.



Savings Plans is a contractual agreement that cannot be canceled. If it's not paid all upfront, you would continue to pay the hourly rate you have committed for every month until it expires.

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respondido hace 3 meses
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revisado hace 3 meses
  • Hi!

    From what I understand, if I don't have anything running and my savings plan is 3usd/hour I will pay 2,160usd per month even if I don't have any instances running. Right?

    It would be a good idea for me to create some instance that covers that cost of the plan. Right?



Hello, if your account is part of an AWS Organization, the Savings Plans you bought on that account can be 'shared' and other accounts can benefit from the savings.


respondido hace 3 meses

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