Relocation of IP address


we are developing a web application which connect to third-party api . third-party restrict the use of their api by using IP address. we need to give our web application server IP address, so they are going to allow the connection from us. we already gave our Global Accelerators ip address.

We are going to use EC2 for that so we would like to use Global Accelerators ip address as EC2's public IP.

If possible , pls advise how can it be done. Thanks

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Afraid you can't route traffic out via the Global Accelerator or use its IP Address else where. Global Accelerator is for ingress traffic only.

You will have to allocate EIP's in the VPC where your EC2's are and assign them to a NAT Gateway or Assign to the EC2.s (NAT Gateway My Preference) and provide those IP's to the 3rd Party. Note, EIP's are Regional so you are unable to move them between regions.

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  • Thanks Gary

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