Limit increase for IPv6 per instance possible?


Hi there,
I am looking for a way to increase the limit on IPv6s per Instance. Within the limit increase screens I cannot find any option.

Does anyone know how to do this and if this is even possible?

Best Regards

preguntada hace 5 años237 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

anyone has an idea?

respondido hace 5 años


IP addresses are per network interface per instance type and cannot be changed. Therefore, if you require more IPv6 addresses, consider moving to a different Instance type. The following document lists the maximum number of network interfaces per instance type, and the maximum number of private IPv4 addresses and IPv6 addresses per network interface:

More information regarding changing instance types can be found in the below documentation:


respondido hace 5 años

Thank you for letting me know.

So I get a prefix with millions of addresses, but can use 2...
If you look at the link (, it seems the IPv4 was just copied over to IPv6. Booking a different instance type would mean to get the largest available for just 50 IPv6. So basically rent the 747 to transport a peanut...

If you have any internal channels to give product improvements, please put in a hint, that IPv6 works different than IPv4. Hence the current limits are quite ridiculous (Especially as you get a /56 prefix assigned) and just produce IPv6 NAT and frustration with customers.

Best Regards

respondido hace 5 años

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