Skill Builder stack template failing to deploy under the "Devops Engineer Learning Plan"


Under "Devops Engineer Learning Plan > Advanced Testing Practices Using AWS DevOps Tools > Course summary, Resources and Feedback" there is a sample stack template and resources. I've uploaded them to a new S3 bucket and created a new stack from the template as specified but it fails to deploy with the error "The following resource(s) failed to create: [CFNValidateLambda, CodeCommitRepo, servicestatus]." I tried twice over 2 days but received the same message both times.

Here is the URL for anyone wanting to replicate my results:;lp=85

I'm assuming something on the AWS Lambda side has been deprecated or changed but it would be nice to be able to go over the examples. I had the same issue using the CDK in the previous lessons, since they used CDKv1 which is no longer supported, but was eventually able to figure them out.

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