Gamelift - Current limit of instance type of c4.large have been reached



I'm testing the environment, I already had 1 build and 1 test fleet on c4.large.Yesterday I removed them both, and uploaded a new build (build-beec64ea-b88f-4511-a3ee-98882aa0fa5a)

Today I cannot start a new fleet, because of "Error! Cannot create the fleet. Reason: Current limit of instance type of c4.large have been reached.."

According to my Service limits I still have 1 c4.large allocated to fleets, and according to Fleets, I have no fleets. Previous fleet finished deleting almost 24 hours ago.




preguntada hace 6 años275 visualizaciones
4 Respuestas
Respuesta aceptada

Apologies for the late response to this post.

I confirmed fleets have been deleted. Unfortunately, Gamelift had a small bug earlier in the year where some fleets failed to clean up properly and it looks like your prior fleet from May 2018 had left a dangling resource and is responsible for blocking further fleet creation using c4.larges in eu-central-1.

This dangling resource is now marked for cleanup and will hopefully be removed from your account today.

Your account also appears to be in a restricted state allowing only a single instance to be provisioned and hence new fleets of this type are blocked. I am asking Gamelift to review this, but you may need to file a request with AWS support to unblock you.

respondido hace 6 años


The dangling resources have been cleaned up and should no longer show in your account. Your account is also no longer restricted and you should be able to use more than than a single instance at one time.

respondido hace 6 años

Thank you!

respondido hace 6 años

I also have this problem. please help me mark the dangling resource for cleanup.




respondido hace 6 años

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