S3 AWS Backup with a copy action


Does AWS Backup support the copy action for s3 buckets?

I've configured in AWS Backup a backup plan rule with a copy action to another region within the same account and I don't see any copy jobs for my s3 bucket. I see that a backup job ran successfully for the s3 bucket, but I don't see a copy job afterwards.

Note: I backup other resources (Aurora and RDS) in the same backup plan rule and I see a copy job for each of them. So the copy action is properly configured.

So, does AWS Backup support the copy action for s3 buckets, or I misconfigured something else?

preguntada hace 3 años1,4 mil visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

It's not supported. I tried to create a copy job, but the job failed with:

Copy job from us-east-1 to us-west-1 cannot be initiated for S3 resources. Feature is not supported for provided resource type.

aws backup start-copy-job \
 --recovery-point-arn [REDACTED] \
 --source-backup-vault-name [REDACTED] \
 --destination-backup-vault-arn [REDACTED] \
 --iam-role-arn [REDACTED]
aws backup describe-copy-job --copy-job-id [REDACTED]
    "CopyJob": {
        "AccountId": "[REDACTED]",
        "CopyJobId": "[REDACTED]",
        "SourceBackupVaultArn": "[REDACTED]",
        "SourceRecoveryPointArn": "[REDACTED]",
        "DestinationBackupVaultArn": "[REDACTED]",
        "ResourceArn": "[REDACTED]",
        "CreationDate": "2022-03-24T15:48:03.019000-04:00",
        "CompletionDate": "2022-03-24T15:49:04.108000-04:00",
        "State": "FAILED",
        "StatusMessage": "Copy job from us-east-1 to us-west-1 cannot be initiated for S3 resources. Feature is not supported for provided resource type.",
        "IamRoleArn": "[REDACTED]",
        "CreatedBy": {},
        "ResourceType": "S3"
respondido hace 3 años

Why not use cross-region-replication for S3 to do the copying?

respondido hace 3 años

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