Does Dax support caching multiple DDB tables with the same schema and/or primary key?


In my use case, I have two or more DDB tables, with the same schema, that will be accessed via one Dax cluster.

Does Dax include the table information of a cached key in its node? If I cache hit, it only returns data for the table I requested. If I cache miss, it will only overwrite with the data from the table I requested.

I assume yes, given that table is part of the request and response, but there is no documentation that states this explicitly that I could find. The only thing I could find explaining the storage states that they "are stored by their primary key values."

preguntada hace 3 meses210 visualizaciones
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Yes, DAX keys also contain the table name, which allows it to cache items from different table sharing the same primary key without issue.

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