Has the option to add a gateway to IoT Core disappeared?


Currently trying to get started with IoT Core for my business, and all the documentation tells me how easy it is to add a LoRaWAN gateway via the Console, and how I can just click "Get Started" followed by "Add Gateway". However, there is simply no "Add Gateway" option. I have sifted through every single link there is on the sidebar - with and without the "New Console Experience" option checked - and every single piece of documentation that I can lay my hands on, to try and find where this option is. What can I possibly be missing?

The closest thing that I can find - Add a Device - keeps asking whether my device is running Linux or Windows and which SDK I would like to download. Surely there is no need for all that just for the sake of adding a gateway that's in my hand as we speak?

preguntada hace 2 años327 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
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Hi. What region are you operating in? AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN is not available in all regions. I suspect that's the problem. You should have LPWAN devices under Manage in your menu if you've selected a supported region. Supported regions:


If you are in a region that supports it, then when you click the link AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN Intro page in the documentation, it will take you to the LPWAN devices menu section of the New console experience. And this has the Get started button leading to the Add gateway button.

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 2 años
  • Thanks Greg, I'm surprised that that's the solution but it has now allowed me to add a gateway after switching to EU West 1 (Dublin) from EU West 2 (London)!

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