I am very new in domain registration and setup but I am willing to learn. I have done the following and couldn’t make it work so far:
I have transferred domain from Bluehost to Route53 without dns zone transfer.
I have cancelled hosting from Bluehost
I have created a lightsail instance and created static ip
I have created Hoste Zone on Route 53 with the following record:
NS from Lightsail
Verified domain on Route 53 using SES and published the records to Route 53 which added 3 CNAME record.
Verification status Pending on SES
When I check with DNS checker for printpluscopycenter.com
A record is not resolved everywhere, only 3 – 7 places and it keeps changing…
What should I do next?
Thank you
How is this so far? Hard to debug without seeing actual info
Update: I have created a dns zone on lightsail. got those name servers created A record and CNAME record pointing at static ip
On Route 53
copied those name servers from lightsail and created ns record created A record and CNAME record (exact same one) - i think i need to delete them but i am not sure. created MX record SOA TXT records for google workspace mail.