AWS carbon emission statistics via API


As part of our drive towards a more sustainable IT landscape we want to gather data in dashboard in an automated fashion.

To that end - Does anyone know if there are plans to provide the carbon emission statistics via an API?

Currently the data is provided as part of a screen/dashboard having an API to access the data would ease integration and transparency.


preguntada hace un año1064 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

Hi ColinChalmers, there is now an experimental script for programmatic access to the Customer Carbon Footprint Tool data.

I hope this is helpful,


respondido hace 10 meses
Respuesta aceptada

Hi. Unfortunately, no public roadmap published about CCFT(Customer Carbon Footprint Tool)'s API.

You can send feature request to AWS.To submit feedback, open the CostExplorer's console, and then choose Feedback.

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respondido hace un año

Pity that this isn't getting attention, I believe Microsoft is working on an API to supply this. I shall look at providing feedback and maybe help move things along

respondido hace un año

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