AWS clean rooms, no result return from query


I watched the demo video on this link and followed almost the whole process. The whole process went smoothly. By the way, when I write a query at the end and check the results, I can only see the phrase ' 'No results. No results were returned from the query. Modify the query and run it again.' If I refer to the CSV file I have, the result should be 4. How do we get the right results?

preguntada hace 9 meses263 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas


If you are using Cryptographic Computing for Clean Rooms (C3R), verify that your query uses encrypted columns correctly:

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profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 9 meses
  • I didn't use C3R. Are there any specific roles or policies that should be specified for s3, glue, or clean rooms that should be given?


Hello Jina, Yes, in this link you can see the best practices to use IAM with Clean Rooms

"AWS clean rooms, no result return from query" could be related with the Member who can receive results "member who can receive results specifies query results settings for the Amazon S3 destination and the query result format.There is only one member who can receive results per collaboration, and that member is immutable"

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 9 meses

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