Double subdomain certificate issue.


So, i have a working hosted zone in account "A", the primary domain name for it, looks like I have created another hosted zone in account "B", for domain name, took generated NS records from there, using those, i created the NS record in account "A" - primary hosted zone ( After that, i requested certificate from AWS ACM in account "B", for domain name *, and validated it by creating the "CNAME" record in hosted zone of account "B" ( And now, the problem: i want to create an "A" record, to my ALB, which should look like (so basically i add 2 additional subdomains within the domain of the hosted-zone The redirection works, but browser is crying about the certificate domain name (which is * and the url that im trying to request (which is not being the same. Even thought, if i set the value for the same "A" record in account "B" hosted zone, to be just redirection also works, and browser is happy (even thought, i request now url and the certificate is *

I know it might not be fully connected to the AWS route 53 functionality, but to functionality of the DNS service as whole, but i would appreciate if someone would share any documentation or solution on how to achieve what i need.


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Welp, apparently i was just able to use SAN's feature, and it did what i needed - with just 1 certificate (* i covered both (* and (*

To create via AWS CLI just use :

--subject-alternative-names argument for command aws acm request-certificate, but it also is possible to do it via AWS web console.

respondido hace un año

The wildcard in the certificate will not cover multiple levels. You will need to create another subdomain of and add * to the new certificate, if you want to do DNS verification. You could add the different multi-level subdomains to a certificate and use email verification without adding the various DNS subdomains.

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respondido hace un año

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