Can I extract the code from the aws to save it in Github


Hi, I am trying to understand if there is a way to extract the code from aws to save it in github. What happend is that my developer has his computer crushed and then had to start from the beginning or redo some changes not saved in the github repository. Thank you

preguntada hace 2 años379 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

"code from AWS" I don't know the AWS product that you are using, based on the tags at the post I assume that you are using CodePipeline to build something. Use github as your git repository and connect AWS CodePipeline as source.

respondido hace 2 años
  • Thank you for the reply. the codepipeline was a suggestion When I open codepipeline there is nothing inside. I am not sure the previous developer used it. Is there a way to do it(to export the code to github or download it) without codepipeline or is it possible to use codepipeline anyway even if the previouse developer didnt use it? Thank you again


Really need help with that. Could someone answer if there is a way to extract the code from my aws?

respondido hace 2 años
  • Please clarify your question "code from AWS" is a non sense. Please identify at least the service that you are using.


Thank you for the reply. the codepipeline was a suggestion When I open codepipeline there is nothing inside. Is there a way to do it(to export the code to github or download it) without codepipeline or is it possible to use codepipeline anyway even if the previouse developer didnt use it? Thank you again

respondido hace 2 años

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