How can we update the EMR cluster with ALAS2-2023-1909 ?



We have a vulnerability risk on our EMR cluster. We wanted to know if the ALAS2-2023-1909( patch validated for the default Amazon EMR AMI?

We are using EMR release 5.36.0 and wanted to know what we need to do to update our instances with this latest patch.

Please suggest what can be done. Thank you.

preguntada hace un año326 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

As per the instructions in ALAS2-2023-1909( , all you need to do is run below command to update freetype package on your instances. I was able to test it on my EMR 5.36 cluster.

sudo yum update freetype

Also, adding below command in bootstrap script can also resolve this issue.

sudo yum update -y --security

respondido hace un año

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