Any way to specify the private IP when creating an instance?


Is there anyway to have the private IP address fixed?

I understand that Lightsail instances obtain ip addresses via DHCP, but I am wondering if the private ip addresses of Lightsail instances to be created can be pre-specified. I can't delve into much but our set up requires the private ip address to be specified when creating a new instance from another existing instance by the API.

I have gone through the Lightsail documents including the APIs and the CLI commands but I can't locate any information on how to specify the private IP address to be associated with an instance when creating a Lightsail instance (either anew or from a snapshot).

I would be grateful for any pointers. Thanks in advance.

Edited by: swkbkk on Sep 23, 2020 4:29 AM

preguntada hace 4 años708 visualizaciones
5 Respuestas

Not currently.

I wouldn't expect that to change any time soon.

It would be nice to have a private DHCP server for your own VCP.

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David G
respondido hace 4 años

Thanks for a quick answer.

I guess the attractive pricing of the Lightsail comes with certain restrictions like this.

Unfortunately, inability to fix the private IP addresses of the Lightsail instances makes it unsuited for our use case.

I haven't explored AWS yet, but I am wondering if AWS provides the possibility of pre-specifying the private IP addresses when creating EC2 instances.


respondido hace 4 años

I’ve been using lightsail for a number of years and have never seen the internal ip on any of my instances change after a reboot.

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David G
respondido hace 4 años

Thanks for sharing your valuable experience, David. That would resolve some of our concerns for the Lightsail instances that are kept running with occasional reboots and don't get deleted.

However, we still have a requirement for on-demand creation of Lightsail instances with pre-defined private IP addresses and it seems it's not possible to do so on Lightsail.


respondido hace 4 años

Yeah, it sounds like Lightsail is a bit too basic for your requirements.

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David G
respondido hace 4 años

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