Recover an EC2-Classic Instance


We have a little used instance albeit a public facing website that has been shutdown at the start of the month, presumably as it hadn't been migrated to a VPC. Is there any way to move this over to be supported/functional or do we need to recreate this instance? At the moment it has no VPC attached and the old security group.

preguntada hace un año312 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

Hello, I found some documentation on this type of migration here:

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace un año
profile pictureAWS
revisado hace un año

Thanks, but the problem is that I don't use AWS that often and I don't really know what to do. I can start the instance up and connect to the public IP address and connect via SFTP to it and see the file structure, but don't know if I can then connect an elastic IP to it or not. "Platform" suggests: EC2 can't retrieve the platform because the AMI was either deleted or made private. "AMI name" suggests: EC2 can't retrieve the name because the AMI was either deleted or made private. Security Group: The security group 'xx-xxxxxxxx' does not exist

Is it easier for me to just create a new instance and copy over the relevant files over to it? I think the instance had multiple sites hosted on it at one point, but I don't believe that is necessary now.

respondido hace un año

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