Comodo SSL Cert onto a Lightsail Instance of Wordpress


I've migrated my website from A2 Hosting onto a Lightsail instance of Wordpress, pointed my domain from Godaddy and installed a Let's Encrypt SSL cert onto my site. Everything is running fine.

However, I have a Comodo Essential SSL certificate that I would like to replace the Let's Encrypt cert but cannot seem to find any clear step-by-step instructions. Comodo support gave me their list but it's not so clear and mentions Load-Balancing - which I would rather not use due to the pricing.

I would be extremely grateful if anyone has a clear list of instructions on how to deploy the cert without breaking what I've set up so far.


preguntada hace 4 años533 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

Hi biospherix,

Bitnami has some documentation on how to configure a SSL support with Apache.

Let us know if that helps you.

Thanks for using Lightsail!

respondido hace 4 años

Thank you Jonathan, that indeed worked ! Much appreciated.

Edited by: biospherix on Jan 23, 2020 1:55 AM

respondido hace 4 años

Worked perfectly.

respondido hace 4 años

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