Sites on EC2 hosted in Africa(CT) region are much slower than the same copy of Sites in Europe region


We have our Sites built on Lucee & hosted on EC2 with database on SQL using AWS RDS in Africa(Cape Town) Region. A replica of them are hosted in Europe(Ireland) Region. The sites in Africa region have really become slow but sites in Europe are working fine. We tried copying the sites from Africa to Europe & they work fine when moved to Europe, but our clients have specific rules on the servers that they need to be in Africa.

We are unable to resolve the issue & AWS support is just trying stick a support plan to us for which the price is again outrageous.

Can you guys please help, we have already evaluated the burst credits, memory utilisation, cpu utilisation, IOPS, Storage & almost all support articles out there regarding the same topic. Please help.

preguntada hace 2 años415 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hello Hitesh,

Can you clarify how your clients are connecting to your website, over the public internet or from on-premises (VPN/DirectConnect)?

Assuming the access is over the internet you could look at implementing AWS Global Accelerator Or CloudFront. This basically enables the traffic to enter the AWS Global network as close to the end user as possible.

See the detail info here

The below diagram depicts how we can not really control the path when the traffic is over the internet whereas if you use AGA the traffic enters AWS backbone from the nearest AWS Edge location from the user and travels through AWS backbone network to your application.

Enter image description here

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 2 años
  • Hi Tushar,

    Thank you for the response. We have tried using it with & without an VPN, also tried it from a fibre line on premise internet as well as by using mobile data. The users are based in South Africa itself & have been facing this issue only since a week. The services were working fine before that for the last 3 years or so.

    We have tried using the same copy of files, server size, database in Europe & Asia as well. It seems to work fine everywhere else. Can this be Hardware degradation at AWS end.

  • I don't see any issues in AWS Africa region. you can also check here: and select Africa. All services are running fine so the issue seems to be external.

  • Can't see any reason actually on why this should happen due to external factors if the same application using same ami is working at different speeds on different servers just because they're in different regions. The issue has to be an AWS issue, We already spend around $15k/mo on AWS services and inspite of that if there's no resolution resulting in our customers to suffer this actually doesn't make sense to continue for us. We are really loosing clients on this, Is there a way someone can check our account to figure this out?

  • re:Post is not meant for troubleshooting issues, my suggestion would be to continue working with Support; here we can give some general guidance and advice possible options that you have.

  • Implemented AWS Global Accelerator for one of our sites. It's still the same.

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