Are we able to export only parts of the Amazon CloudWatch logs to Amazon S3?


A customer wants to export only parts of the logs from CloudWatch to S3, is there a way to do that?

Reason is that the logGroup is very big and they are only interested in the data for the last months.

Is there a way from AWS to delete older log streams periodically? To save some costs on storage?

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The pattern you describe is quite common, what you want to do is create a subscription filter for your cloudwatch log group.

Ideally this is the pattern [CW Log Group Filter] -->[Kinesis Firehose] -->[Delivery Stream] -->[S3]

Read the following guide for an example:

As to your question on a way to periodically delete log streams, CW Log Group retention periods are configurable between 1 day up to 10 years.

respondido hace 4 años
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