CDK: How to set the TTL of the NS record for a Route53 PublicHostedZone?



I created a Route 53 zone with the following code:

this.apiV2Zone = new PublicHostedZone(this, "ApiV2", {
  zoneName: ""

The zone was created as expected, but I noticed the TTL attribute for the NS record was set to 172800 (2 days). This is a bit high at the moment, because I'm just experimenting - setting the TTL lower won't cost me much for now.

But, how do I go about seting the TTL of the NS record with the CDK?

What I've tried

I tried to force the NS record myself with:

let target = RecordTarget.fromValues(
  ...this.apiV2Zone.hostedZoneNameServers ?? [] );
const recordSet = new RecordSet(this, 'ApiV2Ns', {
  recordType: RecordType.NS,
  zone: this.apiV2Zone,
  deleteExisting: true,
  recordName: this.apiV2Zone.zoneName,
  ttl: cdk.Duration.minutes(10),

But that failed on deploy with:

 Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: InvalidChangeBatch
: [A HostedZone must contain at least one NS record for the zone itself.]

Also tried with deleteExisting: false but that failed too because it was duplicating the existing NS record.


Set it manually in the AWS console. Doesn't seem to cause any change to be reported when I do a CDK diff.

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