Pearson Vue exam did not launch and then cancelled


Hello, The AWS Cloud Practitioner exam does not load through Pearson Vue platform. I was scheduled to take the test on Friday, December 3 2021 at 10:30 am CET. I did all the system checks the day before and joined the online exam platform 30 minutes in advance as recommended. The security tests passed.

Initially after 45 mins of waiting, a proctor checked all my surrounding and he said that he will release the exam. But the exam Window didn't launch because of technical issues (precisely "browserlock.exe" is not loading). The proctor asked me to close the session and we tried relaunching the OnVue software, which did not work again. Then he disconneted the call and also the exam session.

I had to start the exam session again, because the proctor closed the previous session, but this time I had to wait another 1 hour to connect with a Proctor. The 2nd Proctor also tried to release the exam, but after few tries he gave up and told me that he will connect to some technical support. Again the exam session was ended.

The 3rd time when I tried to start the exam session, I could not find the exam link. Few moments later, I received a mail that the exam is cancelled and the fee will be refunded. So many months of preparation, course trainings and energy wasted because of technical issues.

The certification is part of our Company's internal Employee development plan to help educate developers and system engineers in migrating to AWS. I, part of Architecture Team, have to deliver a Cloud solution to our On-Premises software in mid February. But with this kind of experience, I could not encourage the others to pursue these certification paths to educate ourselves.

I hope there is more reliability in these certifications, in order to motivate ourselves to learn about the new technologies and also to reach our milestones that we set for ourselves. I appreciate if someone could find a solution to my problem and probably help me take the exam (because currently I am not sure if the exam will launch)

Following are my schedule exam details for your reference:

**Exam: SAA-C02-AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate-ENU

Candidate: Venkata Naveen Bantu Candidate ID: AWS02482326‎ Registration ID: 409543687

Date: ‎Friday, December 3, 2021‎ Time: ‎10:30 AM Central European Time‎‎**

Thank you,

Best regards, Naveen Bantu

preguntada hace 2 años3684 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas


I am sorry to hear about your Online Proctoring experience. We continually work with Pearson VUE to improve the Online Proctoring experience. If you were testing on an employee-provided device, it is possible that there are background applications and security related features that will prevent you from taking an Online Proctored exam on that machine. We encourage candidates to review the technical requirements at and consider testing on a personal device. Additionally, you may also test in a test center.

If you have any further questions, please let me know!

Kim AWS Certification

respondido hace 2 años

Hello Kim,

I was testing on my personal laptop and the technical requirements were all checked before the start of the exam. Not sure why the exam did not function.

While rescheduling, can I re-use my 50% discount voucher from Solution Architect Challenge (which expired on December 4) ?

Thank you,

Best regards, Naveen Bantu

respondido hace 2 años

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